CCN – The Latest Updates, News and Alerts on Combustible Cladding in Real Time!
ABC to Spend $33m to Replace Dangerous Cladding on its Ultimo Headquarters (Breaking News)
Wollongong CBD Boarding House Developer Told to Change Potentially Flammable Building Material
Breaking News – State Government will not Identify Four WA Buildings with Cladding that Poses Fire Risk
‘The Composite Cladding Crisis’: Will the Building Surveying Industry ‘Self-Combust’? (Breaking News)
Maddocks Lawyers – “Combustible Cladding – What’s the Latest?”
VBA Ordered Full Cladding Replacement at Aged Care Facility (Case Study)
Combustible Cladding Testing Laboratory – ExcelPlas Australia (NATA Accredited & Approved by Insurance Council of Australia)
Rapid and Reliable Results – Contact Us Now:
VBA NEWS- Apartment Owners Opt for Partial Replacement of Cladding (Case Study)
IMPORTANT News – The Victorian Building Authority (VBA) has completed its audits of 1316 Class 2 and Class 3 buildings three storeys or above (namely apartment buildings, hotels, motels and student accommodation). Those audits have resulted in those buildings, where combustible cladding exists, being ranked according to the risk they pose. Building notices and emergency orders issued under the Building Act 1993 have been used by municipal building surveyors at councils to require building orders to implement ‘make safe’ measures for some of those buildings. Those measures have included, in some cases, the removal of some cladding around the perimeter of doorways and balconies where fire often starts and the use of surveillance to identify fire risks. In many cases, those ‘make safe’ measures are only temporary.
Roscon is a specialist provider of property reporting and facilities management services to business in the Owners Corporation and Insurance industries
As expert consultants, Roscon can devise a solution to address any non-compliant claddings. These solutions may be far more cost effective that replacing the entire building facade.
Are you liable for non-compliant cladding?
With the building and construction industry in need of urgent reform, the 2nd Annual Safe Cladding, Buildings and Facade Innovation Summit brings together government, fire and emergency services, builders and developers, insurers and financiers and the wider building and construction community to evaluate the latest developments in building and construction policies and explore innovative solutions to tackle the cladding crisis.
This is a must-attend event for all those involved in this sector. Attendance and participation at this conference is a significant step towards minimising future risk. Find out more here:
Is your Building Cladding Safe?
An Easy 3-Step Process:
STAGE 1 – Site Inspection and Sample Extraction:
An ExcelPlas Australia representative visits the property, inspects the type and style of external walls, looks at the available architectural documents and takes a series of cladding samples from different locations on the wall. Samples are 50mm in diameter and are taken from different locations to reduce visual impact and for ease of access. Samples are sealed and sent to ExcelPlas’ Melbourne Laboratory for testing.
STAGE 2 – ExcelPlas Sample NATA Testing:
ExcelPlas examines the chemical character of each sample core material by:
• Metal analysis of the sheeting on either side of the core
• X-ray elemental identification analysis of the core components
• Infrared spectroscopy of chemical make-up of the polymer core
• Thermogravimetric Pyrolysis (TGA) of the combustibility of the polymer core
Wall cladding typically falls into two main categories as defined by the combustion of its core material:
• Combustible – A high or medium percentage of polyethylene (PE) or polyurethane (PU) or polystyrene (PS) is present in the sample
• Non-combustible – The sample has a heavy mineral-filled flame retardant core, mineral wool or other non-combustible compound comprised primarily of mineral content
STAGE 3 – ACP wall cladding report on combustibility:
As your test results identify your sample(s) of the ACP cladding are combustible, our report will outline the results and conclusions from the ExcelPlas testing and analysis.
ExcelPlas Australia offers:
• to test a small sample of ACP cladding from the building to determine the composition of its core material for combustibility
• a reporting process to inform clients of the levels of combustibility identified in the test and a pathway for action
Step-by-Step Guide For Evaluating the Combustibility Risk of Cladding (Free Download)
Australian NATA Testing Laboratory Offers Cladding Identification and Testing Services (to determine Combustibility Risk Profile)
This Newsletter is brought to you by ExcelPlas Labs 🔬 Australia’s Largest group of Polymer Building Materials Testing Labs.
Melbourne Testing Lab for Testing of Architectural Cladding Materials and Combustibility Risk
ExcelPlas now performs Positive Material Identification (PMI) and Combustibility Rating (CR) on architectural cladding such as Aluminium Composite Materials ACM, Aluminium Composite Panels ACP, Expanded Polystyrene Panels EPS, Polyisocyanuarate Foam Panels PIC and others.
We have extensive experience with testing of polymers and polymeric building materials.
As a Nationally Accredited Testing Laboratory, our technicians, equipment and quality system are monitored regularly for proficiency and compliance assuring that you can count on quality results every time.
Earlier Issues of This Newsletter Can Be Viewed Here:
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